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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Graceland...part 2. The TV room and pool room

This is the TV room . It's decorated in bright yellow and navy blue. You can't see it, but the pillows are a couple of shades of yellow and covered in sequins and other glittery things. There were three televisions going, each showing something different. Evidently, EP liked to stay updated... One of the weirdest things in the room was the creepy monkey on the coffee table. It had weird possessed eyes. Elvis had bad taste, but I love him anyway.

This is downstairs in Elvis' pool room. The room's walls and ceiling were covered in hundreds of yards of fabric. It was amazing! The pool table still has a rip in the felt where one of his friends missed a shot. Again, no flash photography was allowed; sorry for the poor quality.

This was a shot of the ceiling of the pool room. That's fabric!

This was the rack filled with pool cues. Evidently, Elvis was a big pool player. It was amazing how small the house was, and especially, how low the ceilings were in the basement! It was all I could do not to bust through the velvet ropes and... oh, sorry. I lost control there for a minute. I still can't believe how lucky I am to have gotten visit... amazing!

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