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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Graceland... the Jungle Room

I have the most amazing man in the world. He took me to Graceland last week. It was almost more than I could stand! I've loved Elvis since I was a little kid. I had a pretty cool mom; she took me to my first concert (ELVIS!) when I was in second grade. In fact, we still have the ticket stubs and program stored in her attic somewhere. We saw him in the Spring, just before he died that Summer. I remember sobbing when I heard he passed away...

Shannon bought the VIP tour, which allowed us to tour the grounds at our own pace (rather than being herded in a tour group), see the car museum, the airplanes, and allowed us to return to the mansion as many times as we wanted. (and yes, we did return!) It also allowed the staff to treat us like royalty, which was pretty awesome, too! This is the sign as you drive into the parking lot. I almost had a panic attack when I saw this. I think my exact words were "I can't believe we're here...I can't believe we're here..."
Of course, we saw the Jungle Room. Honestly, it wasn't quite as gaudy as I anticipated. This was an arm of one of the chairs...kind of neat, really.

One of the fur chairs... we weren't allowed to use flash photography, so the pictures didn't turn out quite as sharp as I would have liked... to the left of this chair was a water fountain. Very cool.
The couch... again, sorry for the blur. It totally freaks me out that Elvis butt was on this couch.

The far end of the room... you can see the bar and barstools. The carpet was very green shag; the same carpet was on the ceiling!
Stay tuned for the kitchen, TV room and pool room...

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