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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Tooth Fairy

After weeks of anxious waiting, and the adult tooth emerging, Libby finally lost her first baby tooth! She is thrilled! I can't believe it... it seems like just yesterday that she cut this tooth on Valentine's Day 2004 at 6 months old. Now she's almost 6 years old! Time flies!

Roan is almost as excited about this lost tooth as Libby! He vowed last night that he would stay up and wait for the Tooth Fairy... just in case she needed help finding Libby's room. I explained that, just like Santa, said Fairy will not come if anyone in the house is still awake. He finally relented and grudgingly went to sleep. He was the first one up this morning, wondering if the Tooth Fairy came.

It's funny how being a parent teaches you to lie on the fly. A little background: last year around this time, my parents' house was flooded. This forced us to unpack and sort through all the stuff from when I was a kid. Well, Libby found a box full of my baby teeth that my mom had saved, but I didn't know this. So yesterday, my mom was over and we were talking about the Tooth Fairy, and Libby asked why the Fairy had never come for my teeth when I was a kid. I told her that she did... I always got money under my pillow... well, Libby kept insisting that I was wrong. Luckily, my mom jumped in and told me about Libby finding all my teeth in a box... hence the lie: I told Libby that once the Tooth Fairy gathers each child's teeth, she returns them to the mommy to keep forever. She bought it! Whew!

She doesn't have a toothless grin because the adult tooth has already come through!
Libby with her tooth, getting ready to put it under her pillow.

A happy little sleepyhead with her tooth fairy dollar!

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