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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Life has CHANGED!... Part 1

This has been a crazy summer! That's my excuse for ignoring my blog for so long!We spent most of July getting ready to move to Jefferson City. We had lots of fun picking out new paint colors for the kids' new bedrooms, new comforters, and curtains.
This is Libby working on painting her new room. Yes, it's pink. Very pink. She's a pretty amazing painter. No messes... better than most adults could do!

Libby's room with the edges cut in... wow I've painted a LOT in the last couple of months!

The kids working on Roan's new room. His room is khaki... it's a jungle theme. He's still waiting on his mom to paint some monkeys on the wall.

Roan helping paint his sissy's room. They thought it was really fun to be included in the projects.

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