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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Life has CHANGED... our move to Jefferson City

August 6 was the big day. We decided to move the week before graduation because the kids were scheduled to start school just a couple of days later. I thought it was be an easier transition for them if we had a little time to unpack and settle before they started at their new school.

Thank God for the man with some muscle! We took off from Mid-Missouri with the moving truck on August 6...
...and arrived in Peculiar later that afternoon to start the torture. We got the major things loaded in about 4 hours, and headed back to Jeff City. The truck was full of furniture and the cab was full of 2 howling cats. Stella and Sadie were NOT very happy about the trip.

We got back to Jeff about 1am, slept in, then started unloading. Shannon's daughter Mallory and her husband, Seth came over to help us unload. Funny how much faster it goes with a little extra help!

The kids spent the week of the move with their Meme and Baba O'Donnell. When they came their new home, their rooms were completely unpacked. Prior to that, they'd only seen the walls and empty floor space... this is Libby seeing her new room for the first time! She was SO excited!

This was Roan's reaction! He immediately dove onto his bed and giggled. So far, they've adjusted really well to a new home, new school and a new routine. It's so nice to be back in Jefferson City!

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