Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, February 22, 2010

Libby + Stella = LOVE

We have an awesome cat named Stella. We got her as a tiny kitten, so she has grown up being loved on by Libby and Roan. Stella and Libby have a very special bond. Stella sleeps with Libby every night; she lets Libby carry her around the house, put hairbobs in her fur... it's hilarious!

Here is a classic pose...Libby and Stella snugged up on the couch. Note the fat cat belly hanging out!

Libby and Roan were at their grandparents' house this weekend; Stella did not handle this very well. She roamed the house and cried all weekend. When the kids got home, Stella practically climbed Libby's leg! They had to spend some time snuggling and catching up!

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