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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, October 19, 2009

Making a Difference on "Make a Difference Day"

As I've mentioned before, Libby is a member of American Heritage Girls. Saturday was the organization's "Make a Difference Day". Each girl was to come up with an individual service project to complete on that day. It could have been anything, from volunteering at a soup kitchen, to helping a neighbor with yard work.

Libby thought and thought about her options. Her top two choices were 1) to sew a blanket and donate to The Linus Project; and 2) donate food and time to H.E.L.P., the no-kill animal shelter in our town. In the end, cat love won out... she chose to volunteer at H.E.L.P.! We went by and got their list of most-needed items; from it, we chose to donate cat food, litter, a package of furry mouse toys and a roll of paper towels. After Roan's soccer game Saturday morning, the whole family (Nana and Papa, included) headed out to make a difference...

Libby with her donations, ready to share some kitty love. Note her sassy purse...
Libby in the kitten room. I think the they know she is a "cat person"! The kitties LOVED her sassy little purse. We finally had to hide it to keep them from chewing it up! There are about 150 cats at H.E.L.P., and I think we loved on each and every one!

Even Roan got in on the action. By the time we were done, we were covered head to toe in cat hair.
Libby has decided she'd like to go to H.E.L.P. at least once a month to volunteer. She's also collecting plastic shopping bags (like from Wal-Mart or the grocery store), Best Choice bar codes and aluminum can tabs to donate to them. If you'd like to help her by collecting these things, it would be terrific!
On the way home, Libby asked "Mom, do you think I made a difference today?" Man, I love that girl!

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