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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, August 14, 2009

Kindergarten Open House

Libby and I went to her Kindergarten Open House last night. It was very exciting! We got to see her classroom, meet her teacher and get organize her school supplies. She also got to tour the library, see her art room and computer classroom and meet those teachers, as well. We also bought her "student agenda", the notebook where they record notes about her day and give the homework assignment. Wow, Kindergarten sure has changed!

Libby outside her classroom.
Libby with her teacher, Mrs. Shuey. I think they're going to be a good match!

Libby with her supply cubby at her desk.
She is disappointed that she is at a table with a group of other students, and won't have a single student desk to herself. (Could she be more like her mom?), but thinks she can adjust! Each student has a satchel that hangs over the back of their chair where they can keep supplies and pencils. She thought that was pretty terrific.
After meeting the teacher and seeing the classroom, all the Kindergartners went to the cafeteria for a little meet 'n greet with the principal and the teachers...then out to the playground for popsicles. Libby says she feels a lot less nervous about her first day, now that she's seen her room and met her teacher. Mom?... not so much!

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