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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Roan the preschool playboy!

It's no secret that Roan is a charmer. He's the kid everyone knows. I was at the Redbox kiosk the other day and the lady behind me tapped me on the shoulder and said "You're Roan's mom, aren't you? He just cracks me up!" I had NO IDEA who this woman was! Roan has always had several girls chasing him at once. He's had one girlfriend for several months, now. Her name is Shaylin and they've been in the same class at preschool since last year. It's so funny to hear his stories about her. He calls her his "woman" and tells me how she pulls him around the corner by the bathroom and kisses him in the hallway. "She kisses me on the MOUTH, mom!" She came to his birthday party in February...and according to him, that means they're getting married! So cute. Unfortunately, Shaylin's last day at preschool was last week. Here's a picture of them together: They're pretty good buddies and he's going to miss her a lot...even though he says she's pretty bossy! He ought to like bossy women...he lives with two of them!

This little girl has a crush on she made her way into the picture, too. Surrounded by women at age will I handle this when he's 16?

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