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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Boots on Beale Street!

Shannon and I took a trip to Memphis in April... we luckily, though unwittingly, were there during the Memphis in May Music Festival downtown. On our second day there (after Graceland, of course!), we went to the Civil Rights Museum, then downtown to Beale St. Wow! What an experience! We saw people of every type, heard great music and tasted some amazing food. We ran into a group of bikers; one of them had a cool shirt on, so I asked to take his picture... Notice his buddy laughing in the background. I think they were surprised that I wanted their picture! They looked a little intimidating and I'm rather vanilla... but they were really nice guys.

Soon, we discovered that a mystery was afoot. (Yes, that's foreshadowing). It seemed everywhere we looked, we saw women wearing rainboots. It didn't seem to matter what they were wearing...dresses, shorts, skirts...they all had on rainboots. We thought maybe it was a Memphis fashion statement that hadn't made it to Missouri yet... Anyway, I started taking pictures...
We saw rainboots in every color and pattern...

Even plaid...

One store had quite a promotion on rainboots...

A dress, leggings and rainboots... seriously, we saw probably a hundred women dressed like this. Finally, we gave up and asked "What's up with the boots?" The answer surprised us... stay tuned.

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