Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How we've changed!

I recently (finally!) got a new phone... I found some pictures on the old phone that I had forgotten about. They're so's amazing how much the kids have grown and changed. This is Roan in 2007...back in the days when he would only sleep in Libby's princess nightgowns. He doesn't do this anymore!!!! Hallelujah!
Libby and Roan... look how little they were!

Oh my... this was one of Roan's first haircuts. There was a day when haircuts were a torturous ordeal...screaming, crying, holding him down... he doesn't do this anymore!!! He sits in the chair like a big boy and flirts with the stylist. Sometimes I wonder how I survived those days.

This is the famous "Snow White dress"...complete with the "tewawa" (tiara). He was so tiny! He wore this dress to shreds, literally. And again, he doesn't wear dresses anymore!!!

Look at Libby! Her hair was so short and curly...and she was so little! She would have been 3 here...younger than Roan is now.

We've all grown so much since we moved to KC in 2006! It's amazing that this chapter in our lives is almost over!

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