These pictures were taken on Mother's Day 2008, I think. Wow, how life has changed!

I love this picture...for several reasons. Can you tell this boy loves his mom? I also like this because it reminds me of how much life has changed...and how much I have changed. I was smiling, but I was VERY sad and overwhelmed. I was separated from Ted and going through a lot of drama due to his illness. I was figuring out how to be a single mom. I was a full-time student in a very challenging program, I was missing my friends in mid-MO...on and on. Life was feeling very hard and unhappy at that time. Now? Wow, could life get any better? Since then, I've worked on raising these two terrific kids, I've become an intern, I'm practically done with school, my heart has healed, I've discovered that I'm much stronger than I ever fathomed... I'm so glad I didn't throw in the towel! Believe me, I was tempted!

I love this picture! The kids had spent the afternoon jumping on the trampoline...or as Roan calls it, the "bounce-oline". Note their very dirty feet. They had a blast!

This was Roan's favorite dress..."The Belle Dress". OMG, he wore it until it fell apart. He no longer cares about the Belle Dress. He's five, and he's a boy. Dresses are off limits! Thank You, God!

Look how much they've changed! Yes, their hair was a mess...but they were having fun!
I can't wait for the next phase of our lives to start! In just a few weeks, life will change again. Moving to Jefferson City, starting work as a doctor, spending every day with Shannon... wow, am I blessed!
We're so happy for you Sonia! It's been quite the ride these past few years! :D
Cool blog and lovelly feeties. 🙂
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