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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fun Day Part 2: The Dress Up Station

One of the new features at Fun Day this year was a dress up station. I admit, I cringed a little, thinking maybe Roan would regress and insist on a princess dress or mermaid outfit. I held my breath...and thankfully, he chose a pirate costume. I was SO happy!

Roan is a charmer... he had the parent helper totally smitten. She helped him put his outfit on, choose his accessories...all the while, he's telling her some long story about how pirates' girlfriends are called "wenches", etc.

Libby chose a very fancy princess dress...all the while telling Roan to cool it with the long stories...

Aargh... the cutest pirate on the Seven Seas!

The pirate and his wench...this is serious business! Of course, Sean was definitely NOT interested in dressing up! Roan was sorely disappointed that he couldn't keep the costume and take it home. Thank God he couldn't! He would have worn it day and night for weeks!

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