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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, July 17, 2009

Meet our new kitty

Well, our attempt at having a dog failed miserably, and pretty much ruined dog ownership for me... at least for now. So, my compromise with Libby and Roan (who still wants a dog) was to get another cat, as a playmate for Stella. We were lucky enough to find a year old kitty who has already been spayed and declawed, and who is current on all her shots. She's a beauty! She's a Snowshoe Siamese with long hair and blue eyes. It'll take a few days for she and Stella to scope each other out and stop hissing like fools, but so far, it's going well! The kids are thrilled. Oh, and her name is Sadie Caroline.

Not a great picture of Sadie, but you can get the general idea of how pretty she is!
You should see her tail!

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