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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 10: Cold

Today's photo challenge is to capture a picture of 'cold'. I thought about taking a picture of my freezer, or of Shannon's feet... but I settled on this:
Me! A certain ex-husband said this was a good word to describe me. "Cold, heartless, aloof, hard to read and difficult to please". If I heard it once, I heard it a thousand times. So, that's me. Cold. I never really thought that description fit. What do you think?


Suzie said...

Lies! All lies! He couldn't take the heat.. he had to be boot'd from the kitchen :) I love you! You are quite possibly the warmest person I know.

Love Always

The #1 member of your fan club!

Dr. Sonia McGowin, DC said...

LOL! I love you too! Easier to accuse someone of being cold than to see your own irrationality, huh?

The #1 A$$-kicker in your fan club!!