Monday, August 22, 2011
A New School Year!
Welcome Back Breakfast
The kids hadn't started school, yet, so they helped me get everything set up. Roan says he's "a good arranger", so he kept busy putting out the plastic ware, cups, etc. Libby helped arrange the casseroles and juices. They thought it was cool.
The Cat With No Name
We took her to the vet to have her toenails out and spayed. I got a call from the doctor who told me "Isabella is a boy-a!". Yeah, we apparently had a transgendered cat. So... what to name this kitty now?
Friday, August 19, 2011
Happy Birthday, Libby!
- She loves Carrie Underwood, the Black Eyed Peas and Lady Gaga. She's starting to hang out in her room and listen to CDs while she draws or reads.
- Right now, she loves to watch 'Shake It Up', 'iCarly', and she's recently started watching 'Pokemon', even though "it's more of a boy show"!
- She has an unbelievable vocabulary. If you didn't know better, you'd easily think you were speaking to an adult.
- Her favorite color is purple.
- She now likes to fix her own hair.
- She has become an excellent reader. She is able to read anything you give her now. She loves books in a series (like her mom!) like Junie B. Jones, and The Magic Tree House.
- She loves to annoy her brother. After years of him pestering her to death, Roan is finally getting his just desserts.
- She's been taking piano lessons since she was about 3 1/2. She has really improved in the last year with her instructor, Ms. Deborah. She can read music easily now; she just needs to develop a better sense of rhythm.
- She is so mature for her age. I can trust her to make good choices and to behave. The one thing that is surprising, though, is that she is not good about keeping her room neat. Hopefully, that will come in time!
Happy Birthday, Libby Lu! We love you!
Our Day in Eldon. Chapter 1
School supply shopping adventures!
Feats of Strength
Thursday, August 4, 2011
A night of friends and Sushi
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
My funny kid...
Monday, August 1, 2011
A Test of My Patience...
So this year, I wondered about our exemption... surely, the exemption forms in their files would stand for this year, right? Right? Any reasonable person would think so. Just to be sure, I called the school, and was informed that I must produce a NEW exemption form every school year. And yes, we are still required to obtain said form from the Health Department.
My Mini-Me

I like to think of myself as an organized person. I love planners, calendars, lists... I plan our menu out for the month and make detailed grocery lists. The kids' summer schedule was mapped out in spreadsheet form. As fate would have it, these little quirks of mine turn the Man on. Sorry, TMI. Anyway, Libby likes lists, too!
When I got up yesterday morning, Libby was hard at work making her birthday list. She's obsessed with Moshi Monsters, right now, so she was on that website looking for all her favorite things. She made two lists: one for Mom and one for Nana. This is my list. Each item was written carefully, with the price next to it. If the item is circled, that means she'd like it for Christmas, rather than her birthday. Isn't it just a hoot?