Ok, I have to admit it. Shannon and I are awesome parents. We braved the heat wave and the crowds and took our three kids, plus a friend to the fair last night. Help me Rhonda, it was HOT! And to make it worse, our A/C pooped out over the weekend, so we had been suffering for 3 days in hot house, then went for further suffering to the fair. Anyone who knows me knows I HATE to be hot and I HATE to sweat. But, it was actually pretty fun... especially seeing all the sights through the kids' eyes.
Libby and Roan have been to the fair before, but they were much younger. Now, they're big enough to ride practically any ride there. For a 6 and 7 year old, this is big stuff.

Roan standing in front of the sign marking the height requirement for a ride. Walking up to it, he was muttering "I just know I'm gonna be too short...I just know it...dang it!!" Much to his surprise, he was tall enough with several inches to spare! He was shocked and happy!!

Libby was another story. She KNOWS she's tall for her age. She never doubted she could go on the bigger rides....

The games were so tempting...they didn't understand the concept of 'rides first, games last'. They didn't care because they think Mom is the pack-mule. Libby getting ready to show her muscles...she rang the bell the second time she tried!

What can I say? Never a serious moment with the boy. Some days, he reminds me so much of my Grandpa Jones. He never had a serious moment either. Same blue eyes, same big chest, same silliness...sorry, I digress.

The Merry Go Round...this one rocked! It went FAST. You can see Roan hanging on for dear life!
Part of the fun of going to the fair is people watching. I wished all night that my friend, Suzie, was with me...we people watch so well together. I wanted to take some pictures of the more noteworthy specimens of Cole County...but I was afraid they might hurt me. It would appear that the new fashion trend is Daisy Duke shorts with cowboy boots. Don't get me wrong, this can be cute on the right person. The right person didn't come along very often last night. A lot of the girls' shorts were SHORT. Way short. Body parts falling out-short. Wow.
We stayed out til after 10pm. We were sweaty, dirty and tired, but....we came home to a cool house. Yay for Mike, the A/C guy!
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