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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Making of a Seamstress

I've always made the kids' Halloween costumes. It's something we look forward to every year. We usually start talking about our choices in late August; Libby is a list maker (hhmmm, wonder where she gets it?), so she starts making her list early. As time goes by, we pare the list down to their top two choices, then we go look at the pattern books. If we can't find the "perfect" pattern, we decide if my mom or I can draw our own pattern. That helps us make the final choice on each costume. Who knew it was such a process?! I like making their costumes for a lot of reasons, but one of the main reasons is that it's a good learning experience for both of them.

Here's Libby, cutting out Roan's caveman dress...oops, I mean shirt. Ever since Libby was tiny, she has loved fabric and patterns. She was always such an "adult" little child...I never hesitated letting her use adult scissors. The rule was never to cut 1) hair, 2) clothing or 3) skin. She never broke the rule. As a result, she can cut as well or better than most adults.
Roan was not interested in helping with the costumes at first. He's not crazy about cutting, so he helped me pin the pattern to the fabric. Ironically, he's the one who needs to practic his fine motor skills, but he avoids it like the plague!

This is Roan after having collapsed from the extreme exertion of helping with the pattern...he has a flair for the dramatic!

Medusa and the Caveman...The final products!

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