Last week was the Christmas program at Roan's preschool. It was a great program, as always, but we lost our mojo when it came to taking pictures.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Little Things Can Mean A Lot...
My friend, Shannon, came for a visit a couple of weeks ago. After we all went to church on Sunday, the kids got some paper and tried to make paper airplanes. Well, as luck would have it, Shannon is a master paper airplane maker. He sat down with Libby and showed her how...
As you can see, she was completely entranced. Just 15 minutes of something so small...melted my heart.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Toilet diving...OR...How much do I love this boy?
When I became a mom, no one told me that I would be expected to do some crazy, weird stuff. I knew I'd wipe their faces with my spit, like all moms do, but on Saturday, I reached a new high (or low?) in motherhood. Here's the story:
Part One: In a prior post, I mentioned going to Blue Koi with friends this past Saturday. Well, the night before, Roan had a bout of stomach flu. But, when it comes to socializing, Roan's not about to let a little vomiting and diarrhea get him down. He said he felt well enough to go to lunch...
Part Two: Roan's new obsession is a set of keys. Just old house and car keys that I found in a drawer and gave to him... well, he can entertain himself with these for hours. The keys go everywhere with us, and God forbid they get lost. This obsession will last a few weeks, then he'll move his focus elsewhere.
Part Three: We made it through lunch and were visiting when Roan announced (for the whole restaurant to hear) that he needed to go to the bathroom. So Sclie joined us in the bathroom, because women have to go potty together, right? We let Roan go first while we visited. He had the yucky poops (sorry if that's TMI, but it's pertinent to the story). While he's doing his business, he's playing with his key ring. Soon, I hear a suspicious noise, then immediately Roan starts wailing "I dropped my keys!!!!" I look at Sclie and say that I hope he hasn't dropped his keys where I think he's dropped his keys....and went in with him. Sure enough, his key ring was in the toilet! I immediately think "Oh gee, now what???" It's not like I can flush them -- not good for the pipes and not good for the rest of my day, given how Roan would react to losing the darn keys. So here's what I did for this sweet boy...
Part Four: I go back out to our table and get a set of chopsticks and a fork. Of course, I can't do this nonchalantly.... "Why are you taking a fork into the bathroom, Sonia?" Oh boy, what do I say? So I tell them.... I have to fish Roan's keys out of the toilet, and I really don't want to put my hand in the water. And off I go, fork and chopsticks in hand, praying one will work.
Part Five: Back in the bathroom stall, I get Ro up and dressed, all the while hearing "What are you gonna do, mom? Why do you have a fork in your hand, mom? How are you gonna get my keys? Please don't flush my keys! I LOOOOVVE my keys!" Nothing like a little pressure on my first attempt at toilet diving. So I use the fork and fish for these darned keys. Please keep in mind that the water is not clear. Wow. Not the easiest thing I've ever done.
In a minute or two... SUCCESS!!! After a little soap and water, then bleach at home later, the keys were safely returned to their owner, my sweet little man. How much do I love this boy? Enough to pluck his keys from dirty toilet water, for sure. He says he loves me to Aunt TeeTee's and back, to the moon and back, to Heaven and back... I love him at least that much and more. He and his sissy are the loves of my life, and I will do anything for them!
Part One: In a prior post, I mentioned going to Blue Koi with friends this past Saturday. Well, the night before, Roan had a bout of stomach flu. But, when it comes to socializing, Roan's not about to let a little vomiting and diarrhea get him down. He said he felt well enough to go to lunch...
Part Two: Roan's new obsession is a set of keys. Just old house and car keys that I found in a drawer and gave to him... well, he can entertain himself with these for hours. The keys go everywhere with us, and God forbid they get lost. This obsession will last a few weeks, then he'll move his focus elsewhere.
Part Three: We made it through lunch and were visiting when Roan announced (for the whole restaurant to hear) that he needed to go to the bathroom. So Sclie joined us in the bathroom, because women have to go potty together, right? We let Roan go first while we visited. He had the yucky poops (sorry if that's TMI, but it's pertinent to the story). While he's doing his business, he's playing with his key ring. Soon, I hear a suspicious noise, then immediately Roan starts wailing "I dropped my keys!!!!" I look at Sclie and say that I hope he hasn't dropped his keys where I think he's dropped his keys....and went in with him. Sure enough, his key ring was in the toilet! I immediately think "Oh gee, now what???" It's not like I can flush them -- not good for the pipes and not good for the rest of my day, given how Roan would react to losing the darn keys. So here's what I did for this sweet boy...
Part Five: Back in the bathroom stall, I get Ro up and dressed, all the while hearing "What are you gonna do, mom? Why do you have a fork in your hand, mom? How are you gonna get my keys? Please don't flush my keys! I LOOOOVVE my keys!" Nothing like a little pressure on my first attempt at toilet diving. So I use the fork and fish for these darned keys. Please keep in mind that the water is not clear. Wow. Not the easiest thing I've ever done.
In a minute or two... SUCCESS!!! After a little soap and water, then bleach at home later, the keys were safely returned to their owner, my sweet little man. How much do I love this boy? Enough to pluck his keys from dirty toilet water, for sure. He says he loves me to Aunt TeeTee's and back, to the moon and back, to Heaven and back... I love him at least that much and more. He and his sissy are the loves of my life, and I will do anything for them!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Murray memories
On Saturday, Shannon, Roan and I met my dearest friends for lunch at Blue Koi. Danny & Sclie Murray have been my very close friends almost since the day I started at Cleveland; they both recently graduated, and are getting ready to move to Tullahoma TN to start a practice. We met for lunch to visit before they move... it was Danny & Sclie, our friends Cynthia Duffey, Don Gibson...and us.
Sclie, Danny, Roan & Dexter. Roan almost looks like he could be their son, huh?
Don, Roan and Dexter. As you might tell, we don't go far without Dexter. Btw, Don will always be known for being Libby's "first love". He bought her some lipgloss, played air hockey with her and she was hooked!
1. I started chiropractic college in 2006; of course, I knew no one. I will always remember meeting Sclie in the cafeteria early on. It was like we had known each other forever.
Life at school without Danny and Sclie has been sad and lonely... I miss them so much, and they're only 1.5 hours away. The thought of them moving to Tennessee makes my heart heavy. So, some thoughts and memories about my dear friends:
1. I started chiropractic college in 2006; of course, I knew no one. I will always remember meeting Sclie in the cafeteria early on. It was like we had known each other forever.
2. Sclie and I have had very similar experiences that have bonded us together. She understands me in ways no one else ever will.
3. Sitting around Cynthia's fireplace, having a girls' night = Happiness.
4. Homemade spring rolls at Sclie's house
5. Much appreciated hand-me downs.
6. Sclie is fondly known as the queen of my pelvis (chiropractically-speaking!)
7. Danny and the most earth-moving cervical adjustment I have ever had!
8. The Murrays took me to Chipotle for the first time. For that I will be forever grateful!
9. The pugs + my son = Love. Thanks for letting us pug-sit!
10. Roan: "Sweet Pea is so cute...she's like a little meatloaf!" The funniest quote, ever!
11. Cynthia, Danny, Sclie and I at IHOP after last year's Cleveland Formal.
12. Sclie's iced tea. Yum-O!
13. Listening to Danny's speech at Sclie's surprise birthday party last year. Sclie, you're a lucky woman!
14. Crying on each others' shoulders... and thankful for it.
15. Treasured, appreciated, loving, priceless friendship...unaffected by distance.
The O'Donnells love you and will miss you, Drs Murray! Not goodbye...SEE YOU SOON!
Gojo's Yellow Sauce + Shannon = Bliss!
I love Gojo's. In fact, my friend Suzie and I go to Gojo's as often as possible...and we speak regularly about how much we love the shrimp appetizer with the yellow sauce. Fantasize might be a better word! Yes, I LOVE the yellow sauce...and the green sauce, too. Is that wrong?
Friday, Shannon came to KC for the weekend, and we went to Gojo's for dinner. He had never been there before, so I got to expose him to the bliss that is the yellow sauce...captured digitally below.
I will admit, I have a very specific method for eating the shrimp appetizer... I must have the perfect ratio of shrimp, rice and sauce...this method takes two bowls, as you can see above. I think Shannon thought I was/am a maniac.
I got Teriyaki chicken and's the plate of loveliness on the left. My rice bowl is brimming with a fresh sauce supply. It was SO SO SO good.
Friday, Shannon came to KC for the weekend, and we went to Gojo's for dinner. He had never been there before, so I got to expose him to the bliss that is the yellow sauce...captured digitally below.
The funniest part of the evening...we sat with a two nice couples; when dinner was over, we started chatting. One man said to us "You guys are dating, right?" Shannon immediately said in a deadpan tone "No ... [insert long pause]... we're brother and sister." The poor guy's eyes almost popped out of his head! It was a hilarious moment! What a terrific night!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
My sweet Libby
How I love this girl!! What's there not to love?

Some things I don't want to forget about her:
1. The minute she was born, she stared through me like she had known me forever...then she clasped her hands together and smiled...
2. She loved to lay in her bed and watch her mobile. She would kick her legs and laugh out loud. I always made sure we had extra batteries for the mobile, or it would be ugly!
3. She had the most beautiful hair, even as an infant. People would ask me if I used a blow dryer and curling iron on her hair. (on a baby? yes, LOTS of people said that!)
4. She could sign full sentences when she was 9 months old.
5. She was late to talk, but when she spoke, it was in full sentences.
6. When she was very small, she loved to collect "nuts with hats"...acorns.
7. Even as a baby, she loved to clean. She would scrub the bathtub for fun. We called her "Little Clara" after my grandmother who LOVED to clean.
8. She met her best friend, Clara Knollmeyer, at swim lessons when they were 9 months old.
9. She used to call her papa Witt "Witty", but it came out as "Wooty".
10. When she was 18 months old, she loved to take clothes out of the closet and shake the hanger...then die laughing.
Some things I love about her:
1. She is confident
2. She is persistent...she won't quit until she masters it.
3. She looks like me. I never looked like anyone, so I'm glad she looks like me...
4. She has such a kind heart; she worries about people who don't have enough and tries to help.
5. She always sees the best in people.
6. When faced with a hardship, her first strategy is to pray.
7. She tries her best to be patient with her brother.
8. She is scary-smart.
9. She loves to sew and cook...and can do so better than many adults!
10. She is incredibly responsible for a 6 year old.
Some things she likes right now:
1. American Girl dolls
2. Riding her bike
3. Playing with the neighbors
4. Learning to write in cursive
5. The song "Lead Me To The Cross" by Chris and Conrad
6. Her Disney Mix Stick
7. Her Nintendo DS
8. Going to Sunday School
9. Reading
10. Being a member of American Heritage Girls.
I'm so lucky to be her mom! I can't wait to see the woman she will grow up to be. I love you, Libby Lu!!

Some things I don't want to forget about her:
1. The minute she was born, she stared through me like she had known me forever...then she clasped her hands together and smiled...
2. She loved to lay in her bed and watch her mobile. She would kick her legs and laugh out loud. I always made sure we had extra batteries for the mobile, or it would be ugly!
3. She had the most beautiful hair, even as an infant. People would ask me if I used a blow dryer and curling iron on her hair. (on a baby? yes, LOTS of people said that!)
4. She could sign full sentences when she was 9 months old.
5. She was late to talk, but when she spoke, it was in full sentences.
6. When she was very small, she loved to collect "nuts with hats"...acorns.
7. Even as a baby, she loved to clean. She would scrub the bathtub for fun. We called her "Little Clara" after my grandmother who LOVED to clean.
8. She met her best friend, Clara Knollmeyer, at swim lessons when they were 9 months old.
9. She used to call her papa Witt "Witty", but it came out as "Wooty".
10. When she was 18 months old, she loved to take clothes out of the closet and shake the hanger...then die laughing.

1. She is confident
2. She is persistent...she won't quit until she masters it.
3. She looks like me. I never looked like anyone, so I'm glad she looks like me...
4. She has such a kind heart; she worries about people who don't have enough and tries to help.
5. She always sees the best in people.
6. When faced with a hardship, her first strategy is to pray.
7. She tries her best to be patient with her brother.
8. She is scary-smart.
9. She loves to sew and cook...and can do so better than many adults!
10. She is incredibly responsible for a 6 year old.

1. American Girl dolls
2. Riding her bike
3. Playing with the neighbors
4. Learning to write in cursive
5. The song "Lead Me To The Cross" by Chris and Conrad
6. Her Disney Mix Stick
7. Her Nintendo DS
8. Going to Sunday School
9. Reading
10. Being a member of American Heritage Girls.
I'm so lucky to be her mom! I can't wait to see the woman she will grow up to be. I love you, Libby Lu!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Ghosts of Dresses Past...OR...One Thing I'm Thankful for This Year
Given the holiday season, I can't help but think about all the things I'm thankful for. Of course, I'm thankful for the standards: my children, family, friends, home, health, etc.... I'm also thankful that Roan is growing up. This weekend, I was telling my friend, Shannon, about Roan's obsession with wearing dresses. In telling him a couple of the stories about the Snow White dress, the tiaras, and high heels, I was able to wrap it up by saying "but he doesn't do that anymore." OMG! He doesn't do that anymore! That is something I'm incredibly thankful for!
For those of you who don't know my boy, when he was about 18 months old, he tried on one of Libby's dress-up dresses...and unfortunately, he never looked back. He had a Snow White costume/dress-up dress that he wore INCESSANTLY. He wore it everywhere we went, he wore it until it stunk, and he didn't care what anyone thought about it. Luckily, I had a little experience working with kids with difficult behavior... so we worked on wearing a dress only at certain times. Of course, he wanted to wear it at preschool, which was not allowed. So, we started by wearing the dress over his clothes, on the way to school. Once there, we'd take the dress off, put it in his backpack for the day, and pray he made it through. As soon as I picked him up, we'd have to put the dress back on. Eventually, he was able to leave the dress in the car, then at home... you have no idea how difficult this was! Peer pressure meant nothing to him. He didn't care who commented or made fun of him. He loved his dresses. He developed quite a collection...the Snow White Dress, the polka dot dress, the Belle dress, a white wedding dress-up dress, the princess dress...he wore them until they fell apart.
Here's a shot of him in one of Libby's play dresses. This was a signature pose. Be sure to note the shoes. He could run in high heels better than any one of Charlie's Angels!
And this is what he called his "Minnie Mouse dress". Oh, how he loved this one! And of course, the high heels. ..and don't miss the tiara. We were on our way somewhere...he had permission to wear this outfit over his 'normal' clothes in the car. Once we got where we were going, he had to take everything off and put his regular shoes on.
This is a great one... we were at the Knollmeyer's house in Jeff City celebrating Libby and Clara's birthdays. We had been swimming and hadn't gotten Roan's clothes on he found one of Clara's dress-up skirts and immediately put it on. Never mind that it was sheer. So I quickly captured the peep show for posterity...
And finally...the Belle dress. This was his second most favorite dress of all time. He wore the Snow White dress until it literally fell apart. He found this dress at a garage sale and wore it non-stop for months. In fact, he wore this dress with gold high heels during the July 4th party at Karen & Orrin's. He's now famous in the Houghton family for that. He will be 16 and still living down July 4, 2008.
For those of you who don't know my boy, when he was about 18 months old, he tried on one of Libby's dress-up dresses...and unfortunately, he never looked back. He had a Snow White costume/dress-up dress that he wore INCESSANTLY. He wore it everywhere we went, he wore it until it stunk, and he didn't care what anyone thought about it. Luckily, I had a little experience working with kids with difficult behavior... so we worked on wearing a dress only at certain times. Of course, he wanted to wear it at preschool, which was not allowed. So, we started by wearing the dress over his clothes, on the way to school. Once there, we'd take the dress off, put it in his backpack for the day, and pray he made it through. As soon as I picked him up, we'd have to put the dress back on. Eventually, he was able to leave the dress in the car, then at home... you have no idea how difficult this was! Peer pressure meant nothing to him. He didn't care who commented or made fun of him. He loved his dresses. He developed quite a collection...the Snow White Dress, the polka dot dress, the Belle dress, a white wedding dress-up dress, the princess dress...he wore them until they fell apart.

Even in the midst of the dress drama...there were things to be thankful for. I'm so glad that Roan (and Libby, too) have minds of their own. They know what they like and don't let the judgment of others influence them (too much!). Roan and his dresses forced family and friends to accept him for who he is and love him anyway... It taught me (the control freak) to pick my battles, to decide what's REALLY important, and to just let some things go... despite trying to see the positives here, I'm just SO thankful that I can finally say:
"He doesn't wear dresses anymore!!!"
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Where did this boy come from?...continued
Roan always makes us laugh. I've never met a child his age who is so funny. One of his many interesting personality traits is getting "hooked" on things. Recently, his new obsession was swim goggles. No, I have no idea where this stuff comes from. He wore his yellow swim goggles for days...weeks...
He would kill me for posting this picture, but I think it's hilarious. Imagine him going to preschool, the grocery store and church wearing them! I want to preserve his goggle obsession for posterity....
Operation Christmas Child
One of my goals as a parent is to teach Libby and Roan to care about and serve others. It's easy for young children to watch TV and see all the toys, Nintendo games and dolls they want...despite having a house full of toys already. I feel like a broken record, reminding them of the kids who have no toys, people who have no home. Libby has always had a heart for serving others. When she was a very small child, she would notice homeless people and worry about them for days. Roan is finally growing up enough to empathize with other people...he's understanding that others are a lot less fortunate than him, and that it's our responsibility to do something, even it it's small.
Libby's American Heritage Girl troop participated in Operation Christmas Child this year. Each girl was encouraged to pack a shoebox with gifts for a child overseas. We stored the boxes in our garage until it was time to take them to the drop-off center.

A picture of Roan and the girls in front of a mountain of boxes ready to ship...
As a reward for participating, the kids got to choose a small gift. Both Libby and Roan chose an Operation Christmas Child button...
When we were finished, our American Heritage Girl troop donated 32 boxes to Operation Christmas Child! I was really proud of Libby, Roan and the other girls in the troop for doing their part to make a difference for someone less fortunate. For more information on Operation Child, visit:
Libby's American Heritage Girl troop participated in Operation Christmas Child this year. Each girl was encouraged to pack a shoebox with gifts for a child overseas. We stored the boxes in our garage until it was time to take them to the drop-off center.
On Saturday, the kids and I loaded all the boxes into the van.
We met at the church and transferred the boxes from our van to the church bus. Several of us loaded up on the church bus and drove to the drop-off location. We carried all of our boxes into a large gym where volunteers were sorting and preparing the shoe boxes for shipment. When we walked in, there were hundreds of boxes packed and ready to ship. Our shoe boxes were gathered and the volunteers started sorting and packing them... it was really profound to see how our small efforts fed into something huge.
When we were finished, our American Heritage Girl troop donated 32 boxes to Operation Christmas Child! I was really proud of Libby, Roan and the other girls in the troop for doing their part to make a difference for someone less fortunate. For more information on Operation Child, visit:
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The Making of a Seamstress
I've always made the kids' Halloween costumes. It's something we look forward to every year. We usually start talking about our choices in late August; Libby is a list maker (hhmmm, wonder where she gets it?), so she starts making her list early. As time goes by, we pare the list down to their top two choices, then we go look at the pattern books. If we can't find the "perfect" pattern, we decide if my mom or I can draw our own pattern. That helps us make the final choice on each costume. Who knew it was such a process?! I like making their costumes for a lot of reasons, but one of the main reasons is that it's a good learning experience for both of them.
Here's Libby, cutting out Roan's caveman dress...oops, I mean shirt. Ever since Libby was tiny, she has loved fabric and patterns. She was always such an "adult" little child...I never hesitated letting her use adult scissors. The rule was never to cut 1) hair, 2) clothing or 3) skin. She never broke the rule. As a result, she can cut as well or better than most adults.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween Fun!
We O'Donnells love Halloween! We start planning our costumes in late August. After much deliberation, Libby decided to be Medusa. Actually, she wanted to be Medusa when she was 3, but I talked her out of it. So, she watched a documentary on Medusa and we designed her dress. It was a Roman-Goddess inspired white satin dress with ribbon and bead We piled her hair up in a deliberately messy style, then tied snakes all over her heasd. She looked awesome! We didn't use make up...I guess I'm lazy, but I just didn't want to deal with it! Her dress was actually a one-shoulder style, but it was pretty chilly out, so she wore a shirt underneath. She loved the sash...she was very dramatic!

Roan decided to be a caveman. Any legitimate reason to wear a dress, you know. Despite the cold, he refused to wear a shirt underneath. He said it would make him look like a "maniac". hhmmm. His was a faux fur shift with leather wrapped leg covers. He also had a matching headband, which was his favorite part of the costume.
We went Trick-or-Treating in several neighborhoods in town. They have more candy than they can eat in a year! They had a great time. Usually, we go to a couple of churches that host Trunk-or-Treating, but the kids decided against it this year. The kids are already talking about what they want their costumes to be next year!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Dogs, beds and boys who love their moms...
First: DOGS. The people who know me know that I'm really more of a cat person. Dogs are barky, jumpy, licky and stinky. But, as a good friend told me, "A boy needs a dog!" (Thanks, Cynthia, you were right!). So, because I love this boy of mine, we now have a dog.
Second: BEDS. Roan was born in 2005. He was a terrific sleeper until the night of Libby's 2nd birthday. In one night, he went from sleeping 8-10 hours a night to never sleeping more than an hour at a time ... and this horror lasted for one year. Really, 'horror' is probably too mild a word. When I look back, I'm not sure how I survived it. He and I spent that year together in the recliner in his room. Once I FINALLY figured out what was wrong with him, he started sleeping again...and it was blissful. But, even though he slept, I still had to sleep with him. When I've tried to convince him that he would just LOVE having his entire bed to spread out in, he says "But mom, I love you!". Hence:
BOYS WHO LOVE THEIR MOMS: We started out sleeping in my bed, then quite a while ago, moved to his bed. I figured it was easier for me to escape his bed than for me to push him out of mine! So, for a very long time, I've slept in Roan's room, and my bed has been sadly unused. Until Silas...
Since we decided to make Silas a permanent O'Donnell, I have been sleeping in my OWN BED. Yes, after almost 5 own bed with no children! And a really cool thing, it wasn't a dramatic transition. (If you know Roan, you know he can be quite dramatic!). Friday night, Roan and Silas just happened to fall asleep while I was in Libby's room. So, I just went to my room and went to bed. And it's been that way ever since. I've been displaced by a Terrier, and that's just fine with me! This boy still loves his mom, for sure...but, a boy needs a dog!
Second: BEDS. Roan was born in 2005. He was a terrific sleeper until the night of Libby's 2nd birthday. In one night, he went from sleeping 8-10 hours a night to never sleeping more than an hour at a time ... and this horror lasted for one year. Really, 'horror' is probably too mild a word. When I look back, I'm not sure how I survived it. He and I spent that year together in the recliner in his room. Once I FINALLY figured out what was wrong with him, he started sleeping again...and it was blissful. But, even though he slept, I still had to sleep with him. When I've tried to convince him that he would just LOVE having his entire bed to spread out in, he says "But mom, I love you!". Hence:
BOYS WHO LOVE THEIR MOMS: We started out sleeping in my bed, then quite a while ago, moved to his bed. I figured it was easier for me to escape his bed than for me to push him out of mine! So, for a very long time, I've slept in Roan's room, and my bed has been sadly unused. Until Silas...
Since we decided to make Silas a permanent O'Donnell, I have been sleeping in my OWN BED. Yes, after almost 5 own bed with no children! And a really cool thing, it wasn't a dramatic transition. (If you know Roan, you know he can be quite dramatic!). Friday night, Roan and Silas just happened to fall asleep while I was in Libby's room. So, I just went to my room and went to bed. And it's been that way ever since. I've been displaced by a Terrier, and that's just fine with me! This boy still loves his mom, for sure...but, a boy needs a dog!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Pumpkin Carving!
This weekend, the kids, my mom and I headed to Gardner KS and their KC Pumpkin Patch. The kids had a ball! They jumped on the world's largest "Jumping Pillow", went through the "Haunted Barn" about 17 times, rode the Pumpkin Express and picked out pumpkins.
Making a Difference on "Make a Difference Day"
As I've mentioned before, Libby is a member of American Heritage Girls. Saturday was the organization's "Make a Difference Day". Each girl was to come up with an individual service project to complete on that day. It could have been anything, from volunteering at a soup kitchen, to helping a neighbor with yard work.
Libby thought and thought about her options. Her top two choices were 1) to sew a blanket and donate to The Linus Project; and 2) donate food and time to H.E.L.P., the no-kill animal shelter in our town. In the end, cat love won out... she chose to volunteer at H.E.L.P.! We went by and got their list of most-needed items; from it, we chose to donate cat food, litter, a package of furry mouse toys and a roll of paper towels. After Roan's soccer game Saturday morning, the whole family (Nana and Papa, included) headed out to make a difference...
Libby with her donations, ready to share some kitty love. Note her sassy purse...
Libby in the kitten room. I think the they know she is a "cat person"! The kitties LOVED her sassy little purse. We finally had to hide it to keep them from chewing it up! There are about 150 cats at H.E.L.P., and I think we loved on each and every one!
Libby thought and thought about her options. Her top two choices were 1) to sew a blanket and donate to The Linus Project; and 2) donate food and time to H.E.L.P., the no-kill animal shelter in our town. In the end, cat love won out... she chose to volunteer at H.E.L.P.! We went by and got their list of most-needed items; from it, we chose to donate cat food, litter, a package of furry mouse toys and a roll of paper towels. After Roan's soccer game Saturday morning, the whole family (Nana and Papa, included) headed out to make a difference...
Libby has decided she'd like to go to H.E.L.P. at least once a month to volunteer. She's also collecting plastic shopping bags (like from Wal-Mart or the grocery store), Best Choice bar codes and aluminum can tabs to donate to them. If you'd like to help her by collecting these things, it would be terrific!
On the way home, Libby asked "Mom, do you think I made a difference today?" Man, I love that girl!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Dog love
We often dog-sit for our friend Vicki...she has a chubby Cairn Terrier named Silas. Roan is completely, totally, 100% in love with this dog. Vicki says when he comes back home after spending time at our house, he's completely depressed. He loves going on car rides with us, and playing with the kids. This morning, after I let Silas out to potty, he came straight in and got in bed with Roan, who was still sleeping. Below is a picture of Roan right after he woke up and realized that Silas was snuggled up with him in his bed.
There's nothing that compares to the love of a boy and his (part time) dog!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Avoiding the Six O'Clock Scramble...
I love inventories, and I love to plan ahead. My friend, Michelle, thinks this is hilarious, and has ribbed me about it since before Libby was born in 2003. She saw my baby clothes inventory and that was it. Life as a full time student and mom to two busy kids makes it necessary for me to plan nearly everything ahead of time. One of the things I do to survive and thrive is 'Freezer Cooking'. Some call it "OAMC - Once a Month Cooking". People ask me all the time how it works for me... Dinner last night came from the freezer, so I thought I'd share how I do it.
Dinner last night was Steak Soup, homemade. And it was yummy! Here's a picture of it:
The picture probably doesn't do it justice. Here's how it happened:
Dinner last night was Steak Soup, homemade. And it was yummy! Here's a picture of it:
- First, I planned it. Each month, I inventory my pantry and freezer. I keep kind of a rotating list. As I use something, I mark it off; as I buy something, I add it.
- At the end of each month, I plan all meals for the coming month. I use the pantry/freezer inventory to plan what we're going to eat, in an effort to use what we have and buy less. I also base it on what is on sale in the grocery ads. I plan all dinners, Libby's lunches, kids' snacks, and breakfasts.
- I shop as little as possible. I make a shopping list based on the menu and the inventory. I shop for everything for the month in one shopping trip. I try only to return to the store for perishables, such as produce, cheese, milk, etc.
- I try to cook ahead as much as possible. Sometimes, I assemble entire casseroles and freeze them; sometimes I just brown ground beef or grill chicken and freeze it. It just depends on how much time I have.
For the Steak Soup, I precooked the stew meat in the crock pot. When it was done, I put it in a ziploc, labeled it and put it in the freezer. Yesterday morning, I took that bag out of the freezer to thaw. When I got home, I assembled the soup; because the meat was already done, dinner was on the table in 15 minutes. Better than McDonald's anyday! I'll post the recipe later... Hope this helps you avoid the six o'clock scramble!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Our New Old Drum Set
A requirement in our home is that each child must learn to play two instruments. Libby has been in piano lessons for about 1 1/2 years and is coming along great... as of last week, choice for her second instrument is violin. Roan REALLY wants to take piano lessons, too, but being who he is, he's not quite ready for that much concentration and commitment. When discussing his instrument choices, he immediately said "DRUMS"...this, of course, pleased me to no end. So, we agreed to start Roan on drum lessons, with his mom as his teacher. My mom still had the snare drum I used from 5th grade through high school, so we got that out, put on a new head and got him some kid-sized sticks. I also had a drum set in high school, which has been in storage since 1986. Yesterday, we brought the drum set home!
Roan trying out his new drum set.
I've always really hoped that one or both of my kids become a musician. Roan has always had a really good ear for pitch and rhythm. I would love for him to be another "Tadpole" (RPHS alums will understand), Alex VanHalen, or Neal Peart. I want him to have something he's awesomely talented at. I'd love for him to march in Drum & Bugle Corps, and be in a garage band in high school. Being a musician through high school and college gave me such terrific friendships and are some of my fondest memories. I want that for both of my kids.
I've always really hoped that one or both of my kids become a musician. Roan has always had a really good ear for pitch and rhythm. I would love for him to be another "Tadpole" (RPHS alums will understand), Alex VanHalen, or Neal Peart. I want him to have something he's awesomely talented at. I'd love for him to march in Drum & Bugle Corps, and be in a garage band in high school. Being a musician through high school and college gave me such terrific friendships and are some of my fondest memories. I want that for both of my kids.
A Little Community Service
Libby is a member of American Heritage Girls, a Christian girl scout group. Part of their oath includes community service activities. A couple of weeks ago, we participated in a clean-up of Longview Lake. We went to our designated section of the lake, and picked up trash. It was a pretty good time, and good lesson in community service for both kids.
A Boy and His Cat...
Friday, September 18, 2009
Fun at the "Beach"
I think I may be headed straight to hell for lying to my children! Recently, they have been obsessed with going to the beach, regardless of the fact that we live in a landlocked state! So, during our Labor Day trip to Licking, we went to the "beach" at Boiling Springs, one of their favorite places to go.
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