Wow, am I ever grateful for this person. I went through a lot of hell with my first husband...spent my years in Chiropractic College as a single mom to two very young children. I worried constantly. I lived on a shoestring. I swore I would never date, let alone marry again. Then along came The Man and changed all that. Life with him is bliss; I'm grateful every day to be his wife.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 23: Vegetable
This sad and lonely piece of asparagus was the topic of much drama at dinner tonight. The kids are given a lovely home-cooked meal and all they can do is cry around about having to eat a small piece of asparagus. Lord, give me strength!
Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 22: The Last Thing I Bought
I took Roan, Libby and her best friend, Clara to Barnes & Noble yesterday. It's probably Libby's all-time favorite store! I bought myself 3 magazines! That's the last thing I bought on Day 22...
Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 21: Bottle
Bottle? Well, this is the bottle of glutathione lotion I use with Roan. Glutathione is the most important antioxidant in the body. Kids with autism, across the board, have been shown to be drastically deficient in glutathione. I use it with Roan when he has flare ups of eczema, when he has trouble focusing or when he's acting out of sorts. It's Kirkman brand...I highly recommend it.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
My future chef
Roan loves to cook. His favorite shows are 'Chopped' and 'Sweet Genius'. He says he wants to get a job at Steak & Shake when he turns 16! Shannon made Roan a quesadilla for dinner one night... the next morning, he decided we should make a bacon, egg and cheese quesadilla for his breakfast. So for about a week, he's been practicing. He can officially make one all by himself!
Melting the butter...
Scrambling the eggs...
Onto the plate...
Yum!! Pretty awesome for a kid his age, huh?
My new table!
Our basement flooded on New Year's Day. We lost pretty much everything that was down there, and essentially had to gut the whole thing. We've spent the months since trying to put it back together. We decided we'd get a table so we'd have a place for homework, and more seating when we had company. Back in February, we went to an antique mall and saw the perfect table. Shannon thought it was a little too we went home to thought about it... but I couldn't quit thinking about it. Not only was it beautiful, it was cheap! So today, Shannon said "Let's go get your table!" I was worried it had sold... but not only was it still there, they had reduced the price from $100 to $70, including the chairs! Oh happy me!
And here's little Maggie checking up on us. I can't wait until everything is unpacked and put away!
Here it is! I love it!
Here's the detail on the chairs. That's the fireplace in the back...still unfinished. We can't decide exactly what we want to do with it...And here's little Maggie checking up on us. I can't wait until everything is unpacked and put away!
Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 20: Something I Drew
Yes, I know I skipped a day. Day 19's challenge was "orange". Sorry, I have nothing orange, and don't have the energy to be creative!
So, Day 20 is something I drew. This is an old coal shovel I found at a junk store. I brought it home and painted it. It says "Life is sweet". Yep, I drew it freehand, then painted it. I'm cool like that.
So, Day 20 is something I drew. This is an old coal shovel I found at a junk store. I brought it home and painted it. It says "Life is sweet". Yep, I drew it freehand, then painted it. I'm cool like that.
Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 18: Hair
Libby may be only 8 1/2, but she's got the hair of 3 grown women! This was at one of her piano recitals. We threw a couple of hot rollers in it, ran our fingers through it and we got...amazing!!
Monday, April 16, 2012
A rainy Sunday
It was a rainy day yesterday... the kitties decided to relax on Libby's bed.
Humphrey and Maggie, loving life.
Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 17: Something I don't like
I don't like raw meat of any kind. I don't like to touch or handle it. I don't like to look at it and would prefer not to watch or smell it cooking. Luckily, The Man is the handler of meat in our home.

Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 16: flower
This is a flower in one of my front flower beds. I actually planted this when Shannon and I were just dating back in 2010. It did not do well and I had just given up on it. A couple of weeks ago, I glanced over and SURPRISE!... it was blooming!

Saturday, April 14, 2012
Fun times at Prison Brews
Wednesday night, Shannon and the kids met my BFFs Sharla and Michelle for dinner at a restaurant in town called Prison Brews. We packed a lot of fun into one evening! Usually, the kids gripe about going out...they're home bodies...but as soon as I said we were meeting Aunt LaLa and Aunt Chelle, they were on board!
That's us... best, good friends! We've been friends since 1986!
Libby and Roan with their favorite Aunt Chelle. The next day, Roan mentioned her and I said "You know, Aunt Chelle and I have been best friends for most of our lives"... and he said "I can sure see why! My Aunt Chelle is AWESOME!"
Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 14: How I feel today

Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 13: something I found
Something I found...
Back in October, one of Shannon's co-workers mentioned that he was going to demolish a 100+ year old barn on his farm. He gave us permission to come out and take a load of the barn wood. While we were looking through the old barn, I saw this ladder --->
It's handmade and at least 100 years old. I asked if I could have it and Jerry said "sure!?" like he couldn't believe I would want an old dirty thing like that. We came home, Shannon cleaned it up and we hung it on the wall. Cute, huh?
Back in October, one of Shannon's co-workers mentioned that he was going to demolish a 100+ year old barn on his farm. He gave us permission to come out and take a load of the barn wood. While we were looking through the old barn, I saw this ladder --->
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 12: Stairs
Shannon and I went to Eureka Springs AR last November. It is absolutely the neatest town we've ever been to. I took these pictures while we were there...

Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 11: Where I Ate Breakfast
Usually, I eat an apple with peanut butter every day at my desk when I get to work. This morning, I discovered that Libby Lu finished all the apples, so... I was forced into something bad...
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 10: Cold
Today's photo challenge is to capture a picture of 'cold'. I thought about taking a picture of my freezer, or of Shannon's feet... but I settled on this:
Me! A certain ex-husband said this was a good word to describe me. "Cold, heartless, aloof, hard to read and difficult to please". If I heard it once, I heard it a thousand times. So, that's me. Cold. I never really thought that description fit. What do you think?
Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 4 ADDENDUM: Someone who makes me happy
Ok, back on day 4, I left out a very important person.
This is my sweet friend, Michelle. We met in 1986, on the first day of Marching Mizzou Drum Line auditions. We had on matching shirts. We walked up to each other and said "I think we're gonna be friends!" We've been inseparable ever since. We've been roommates, co-workers and friends for more than half our lives. She's been there for my wedding, the births of my kids, their christenings, my divorce... she's my son's Godmother, and my kids' "Aunt Chelle". Nobody gets me quite like her. She's been my rock. I love her and she makes me happy. Thanks for being my friend, kitty!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 9: A younger me
I love this picture! This is December 31, 1990. I was 22 years old. I had just graduated from college 2 weeks earlier. I was in a relationship with a total douchebag, but I was too in love to see it at the time. I'm with my best friend, Sharla. We were roommates in college and in Marching Mizzou together. We've been friends since 1986. Her family treated me like one of their own from the day we met. We've seen each other through a lot of bad times and enjoyed a lot of good times, too. We were out for New Year's Eve, at a club in Columbia called Doc & Eddy's. Who knew that many years later, I would marry her brother?!
I just can't believe that's been half a lifetime ago!
Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 8: Inside your wallet
The inside of my wallet. Not very exciting. I usually keep it pretty organized...
Debit cards, insurance cards, my driver's license, SS card and chiro license... if you look closely, you will notice my updated last name. This makes me happy.
Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 6: Lunch
Day 6 is lunch... Today was a lovely day. I had CHIPOTLE. I could seriously eat Chipotle every single day and never tire of it. Sadly, The Man does not appreciate Chipotle's tasty goodness, so I can only go if I lunch alone.
I always get exactly the same thing: A bowl with brown rice, chicken, fajita veggies. I get one scoop of medium salsa, 2 scoops of corn, with sour cream, cheese and guacamole. (Yes, I know it carries an additional charge.) I always add 9 shakes of the smoked chipotle hot sauce. Then I'm in Heaven. Then I'm sad because it has to end.
If loving Chipotle is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

If loving Chipotle is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 5: Tiny
Ok, I know I'm behind. Somehow I hurt my back Thursday night and I've been pretty much out of commission all weekend. I think this is a lesson in empathy. As a chiropractor, I see people every day who are in a lot of pain... now I'm on the other side of things!
So, day 5's topic is TINY. The first thing that came to mind is our cat Humphrey. In the evening, he comes up and snugs with me on the couch. I tell him he's "my sweet baby tiny meow-meow". Shannon thinks it's funny that I call him "Tiny" because he definitely is NOT.
He's less than a year old and is very stout. When he and Libby stretch out together on the bed, he's half as tall as her. His belly drags the ground. But he's my Tiny!
So, day 5's topic is TINY. The first thing that came to mind is our cat Humphrey. In the evening, he comes up and snugs with me on the couch. I tell him he's "my sweet baby tiny meow-meow". Shannon thinks it's funny that I call him "Tiny" because he definitely is NOT.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 4: Someone who makes me happy
Someone who makes me happy? Wow, I have so many. My friend Suzie. There are no words to describe my relationship with her. My friend, now sister-in-law, Sharla. I love her. My friend, Sarah. True friendship. Libby and Roan...of course, they make me happy. Then there's this guy.
This is the love of my life. I still get butterflies when I see him. He's taught me that love really CAN be forever. Oh yeah, and he's smokin' hot. (Sorry Sharla, I know he's your brother...) He makes me happy everyday. I'm so lucky to be his wife.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 3: Mail
Today's Pinterest Photo Challenge is Mail. Nothing in my mail is too exciting... but as I was unpacking some boxes, I came across a letter that was somewhat life-changing.
This letter arrived in my box in 1996. It says:
"Dear Sonia, You don't know me, but I hope I have some good news for you. I'm sitting here watching a show on family being reunited with long lost family members. This letter is to let you know where your dad is..."
My dad left my mom and I when I was 5. He left us...and left us with nothing. He hung around the periphery for a couple of years, always promising he'd come and take me somewhere fun, then wouldn't show up. Eventually, he just disappeared. I spent most of my childhood looking for his face in a crowd, wondering if I'd recognize him. I saw him at a funeral when I was in the 3rd grade. I spoke to him on the phone for Father's Day when I was in 5th grade (after which he promptly changed his phone number.) I didn't see him again until after I got this letter when I was 28 years old. I drove to his home to see him a couple of times...and then he disappeared again without a word. I saw him again in 1998 when I had to claim his body from a funeral home. I was his next of kin. Although he never took care of me, I managed to make sure he had a funeral and was buried in our family plot.
This letter arrived in my box in 1996. It says:
"Dear Sonia, You don't know me, but I hope I have some good news for you. I'm sitting here watching a show on family being reunited with long lost family members. This letter is to let you know where your dad is..."
He wasn't a good father, but I suppose he did the best he could. Regardless, I guess things work out the way they should. His shortcomings taught me how to be a better parent to Libby and Roan.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Kitty cat update...
We've added to our cat family...
We still have Humphrey, but he's a BIG boy now. This is him loving on Libby. They're snuggle up together on the couch. He's enormous, and just about a year old.
This is our new kitty, Maggie. Shannon told me I could get another kitty as long as she was solid white with blue eyes. So I scoured CraigsList until I found one. She meets all the criteria, except she has one blue and one amber eye. My friend Sarah says she "finds this disturbing". I think she's beautiful. I tried to capture her eyes here, but it's hard to see.
Piano Recital
Libby has been taking piano lessons since just before age 4. When we moved back to Jeff City, we were lucky enough to find an amazing piano instructor who only lives a few doors down from us. She has really taken Libby to the next level as far as technique and sight reading. Roan started taking lessons in January, too! He's been wanting to for a while, but I felt he was a little itchy and unfocused... He finally showed me he was ready, so we let him start.
They had a recital a few weeks ago. I love their recitals! They are required to stand up in front of the audience, introduce themselves and announce what they'll be playing. So many kids are so scared, they whisper, or race through it. Not my two! They stand up, and speak loud and clear. Makes me proud!
Roan's very first recital! That's Ms. Deborah, his teacher, sitting with him. He announced to the whole audience that this was his first recital!
Libby's a pro at playing in public. She doesn't get nervous at all! Look at her hair! She looks like a model. And look at those pigeon-toes...just like her momma!!
Her hair was so magnificent, I had to take a close-up. If it looks this great when she's 8, what will it look like when she's 18?
They had a recital a few weeks ago. I love their recitals! They are required to stand up in front of the audience, introduce themselves and announce what they'll be playing. So many kids are so scared, they whisper, or race through it. Not my two! They stand up, and speak loud and clear. Makes me proud!
Piano lessons are expensive and take a lot of time, but it's been so good for my kids. I'd recommend them for any kid who's interested... it's really made learning fractions quite easy for Libby. It's teaching Roan a lot of good things, too. I'm hoping this is a skill and talent that will stay with them all of their lives...
Pinterest Photo Challenge Day 2: Color
Today's Pinterest Photo A Day in April challenge is COLOR. This is a picture of all my serger thread colors. The rack is amazing... I told my hubby that I really needed some way to store this thread; the next day, he came in carrying this and asked "Is this what you had in mind?" It's magnificent. I have it hung up high so it's out of the way, but easy to get to when I need to change thread colors. It's long... the picture only captured maybe half of the rack. He even painted it the perfect color to match my sewing room. I love that man!! How lucky am I?
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Photo A Day April: Day 1
In an attempt to redeem myself from being a blogging failure (as of late), I've decided to participate in "Photo A Day April" by @FATMUMSLIM. I figured it would be fun, and give me some inspiration to visit my blog every day again!
DAY 1: Your reflection:
I thought about being literal and just taking my picture in the bathroom mirror. But honestly, my hair's been kind of a mess all day, and I only put on enough make up to keep from scaring my mother-in-law when she stopped by today. So, I thought about what else could be my reflection. Naturally, I thought about these little people... Libby and Roan.
DAY 1: Your reflection:
I thought about being literal and just taking my picture in the bathroom mirror. But honestly, my hair's been kind of a mess all day, and I only put on enough make up to keep from scaring my mother-in-law when she stopped by today. So, I thought about what else could be my reflection. Naturally, I thought about these little people... Libby and Roan.
After all, they do look an awful lot like me. Because I am the one raising them, they can't help but be a reflection of me. In fact, sometimes, it's a little spooky. Libby is so much like me, it can be eerie sometimes. I see a lot of Daddy in Roan's expressions and personality, but he's a lot of his momma, too.
I'm happy they're mine. I'm awfully proud of them both! By the way, this picture was taken outside their school last Thursday night. Libby had her 2nd grade concert. Roan is just a ham for the camera.
Friday, February 24, 2012
I have failed to blog...
I've not been a faithful blogger in a few months. Shame on me! It seems like life flies by so fast! The last part of 2011 was eventful...
We had Pocahontas and the Grim Reaper as guests for Halloween! The kids had a big Halloween party in the back yard, complete with a bonfire. They loved it! They went Trick-or-Treating and got more candy than they could eat in a year!
During spirit week at school, they had Career Day. Libby dressed as an artist; Roan was a math professor!
Then we had Hippie Day. OMG they were so cute! (and mom did a pretty good sewing job, huh?!)
In November, Shannon and I took a trip to Eureka Springs AR. OMG, what an amazing place! We've decided that when we're rich, we're going to have a second home there! We had the best time; if you have the opportunity, I highly recommend you visit!
We had a lovely Christmas. Sean was here from Colorado, and we hosted the McGowin family dinner. The kids got to spend some time in KC with their Nana and Papa, which made them very happy!
On New Year's Day, the City sewer backed up into our basement. This was bad. We lost pretty much everything that was down there. We had to tear everything down to the studs and build again. The good news is, we again have walls...and a laundry room...and today, we have carpet!! This weekend, we'll be able to move some things back in from storage. We almost have our home back!
We have a sweet new addition to our family! Shannon's daughter Mallory, and her husband Seth, welcomed baby Caroline on 12/15/11. She's a doll and Shannon is a proud Papa!
I hearby resolve to be a better blogger in 2012. Amen. Over and out.
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